The ideal size of male dignity is considered to be the genital organ measuring 20-23 cm. However, not all male reps can boast such impressive data without bending their heart. A size between 14 and 18 cm is considered sufficient for a normal sexual process, although it is not uncommon for a man to have an even shorter penis length.

Most of the women, probably justifying their beloved man, found an excellent way out of a difficult situation thanks to a simple, but already popular saying, “the main thing is not the size, but the usability”. However, to find out from each of them, unfortunately, it will not work. Men, in turn, are very vulnerable. For them, the inability to satisfy the woman and the subsequent recognition of the partner in her can cause complexes, inferiority, after which uncertainty will form, which has become a problem for subsequent sexual relations.
In this sense, it is not uncommon for a man to fear his main means of satisfying women. To the delight of most, it is worth noting that penis development and growth is possible and therefore penis enlargement is objectively considered very popular. At the same time, you should not rely on the only concept of masturbation, naively assuming that daily masturbation will radically increase the size without resorting to significant efforts - a natural process will allow you to cope with all the shortcomings.
General rules:
- Take a shower;
- Sit comfortably on the bed or in a chair;
- Start stroking slowly;
- When the member reaches an erection, slow down;
- Grab the skin on the top of the head of the penis and pull up;
- Grasp the base with your fingers and squeeze a little;
- Repeat these movements until the end of masturbation.
There are more methods below.
Is it possible?
However, all the lyrical digressions are of little importance to the adolescent in puberty, who has set the goal of becoming a sex giant due to an excess of hormones in his body.
The painfully simple question is quite logical: "Is it possible to enlarge the penis? " And the answer is quite simple: yes! Today, humanity has many unresolved problems and issues on the agenda, but male member augmentation is not one of them. It is quite natural that the easiest way to approach the solution of the problem is surgical intervention. Unfortunately, not everyone can shell out such a large sum to please their ego. That is why most boys from the age of twelve have deliberately begun to engage in masturbation, reinforcing their sophistication with Internet questions: "Can you enlarge your penis through masturbation? "
The procedure itself is aimed at obtaining pleasure, in the absence of a woman and nothing else. However, persistent exercise is like working out at the gym. The main thing is to approach the issue from a scientific point of view, after which the result will not take long. Thus, all kinds of techniques and exercises will allow you to achieve a penis enlargement controlled by masturbation.
In this case, the lessons on penis enlargement should be compared to massage rather than sports training, which will allow you to achieve results at a slow pace and not less time and effort.
In fact, masturbation is able to develop the muscles of the penis, thus contributing to the thickening of its middle part of the trunk. True, the length itself will remain unchanged. However, how then can the problem of a short penis be solved?
In this case, it is worth resorting to the time-tested method - special massages that promote the growth of an organ both in thickness and in length. Literally three months of regular procedures (5 training sessions) will allow you to achieve high results: a stable increase in the penis by 5-7 cm in length and more than 3-4 cm in thickness.
Preparation for growth
So what is the correct way to masturbate for pleasure and some exercise that promotes organ growth? Before starting regular training for penis growth, you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically. First of all, every workout should start with a hot shower. Due to the high temperature, the tissues stretch, which will make it easier and more painless to perform the stretching procedure itself.
After a warm shower, dry your organ and get into a comfortable position. In this case, it is worth saying that during the procedure, not only the hands should work, but also the muscles of the perineum, therefore it is worth taking a comfortable position in advance to increase the penis on the basis of jerks: lying down or standing.
Until you start the movement to enlarge the penis based on masturbation, it is worth taking it to an erection by distributing the lubricant throughout the organ.
In addition to lubrication, you can use oils or extracts from the following plants:
- lichen;
- ginger;
- horse chestnut;
- eucalyptus;
- Peruvian poppy;
- there.
Each of the above plants has a tonic effect, promoting maximum production of the hormones testosterone, serotonin, and norepinephrine. As a result, this will increase blood flow to the genitals.
For maximum comfort, you will need to apply oil or extract along the organ, groin, and scrotum. Massage into the skin.
Technique number one
In this case, penis enlargement is based on the most common method used in Arab countries. It is even worth noting an interesting fact that children are taught this technique from the age of 8, which allows them to acquire a member of impressive size when they come of age.
Let's take a look at the step by step instructions for masturbating to enlarge the penis:
- As soon as you face the point to prepare the penis, it is worth grasping the penis with your fingers at the base, and then with slow movements you need to move your hand along the trunk, trying not totouch the head.
- The member should be directed up, down and slightly forward, trying to direct it towards himself.
- Without loosening your fingers on the ring, try to return to the original position, repeating the movements of your hand, accelerating over time.
Despite the shower and preliminary arousal, the tissues of the penis are at risk of being damaged by sudden movements, in this regard, it is necessary to constantly increase the rhythm.
When the time comes to feel the peak of happiness, you should rest a bit and continue.
At the end of the procedure, you can ejaculate calmly, however, before that, you will need to calm the urge around 6-8, knocking down the wave of happiness that is approaching.
Remember, when the penis is down, the blood flows to it faster. In the process of ejaculation, the cells of the tissues fill with blood and are arranged in a stretched state. It should not be given the opportunity to "emit", therefore it will not allow the blood to flow away from the penis, as a result, this will affect the elasticity of the tissues, as well as their elasticity, which comes from the bloodstream and will lengthen. At the same time, the possibility of self-control, which is considered a great advantage during the actual sexual process, should not be diminished.
In this case, the following effectiveness is observed: taking into account the age, that is, you are not a teenager who has not fully formed sex, achieving the result will be a little more difficult, but months of training and perseverance stillthey will allow you to obtain the desired result.
Second method
This technique is based on alternating slow / fast movements.
As an instruction, it can be noted that masturbation for penis enlargement occurs as follows: in the traditional 1-2 minutes there is a change of pace: at first the usual high speed, then slowly and again quickly.
The procedure can be completed after the first ejaculation, since after that the process does not make sense anyway. This is approximately 5 to 7 minutes, after which ejaculation occurs. However, the actual workout will last about 15 minutes.
By changing the rhythm, you can develop the sensitivity of the penis and allow the tissues to fill with blood in a timely manner, thus stretching under the pressure of movements. Efficiency is tangible! All the sensations during penis training will make the sex procedure brighter due to the growth of the penis.
Third technique
Step by step instructions:
- Standing position, with feet shoulder-width apart.
- The fingers should grasp the base of the penis and slowly move the hand upwards, without touching the head.
- The muscles of the perineum should be tight, in fact, like the glutes.
- Next, you should relax your muscles while moving your arm down.
- The procedure will continue for 15-20 minutes, gradually accelerating the pace.
- blood is pumped to the penis due to periodic compression of the perineal muscles;
- blood filling occurs in all cells of the penile tissues;
- due to moderate movements it results that the blood is dispersed throughout the penis;
- increased sensitivity of the penis;
- Stretching the fabrics will give the desired result.
It should be noted that penis enlargement at home is quite real. It's just a matter of desire and time. In this case, it is necessary not to be discouraged when the result is not immediately noticeable. You cannot stop in any case. Continuous exercise promotes penis growth, but over time.
The masturbation process itself to enlarge the penis will allow you to obtain the first results already after 1-2 months, however, the maximum effect will be achieved after passing a course of 3 months, and six months for the most persistent.