As enlarge the penis without damage to the health of the men? There are many hormonal drugs and food, to speed up the body's production of male hormones. As is known, the increase of the concentration of testosterone involves the lengthening and thickening of the penis. However, failures in the functioning of the endocrine system are often the cause of the development of serious diseases, such as diabetes, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, the expansion of the lower jaw, etc

To do no harm to your health, but to increase the size of the member, it is advisable to use only proven and safe methods of correction of the length and the thickness of the fertile area of the authority. Can be divided into two categories:
- conservative – pharmacotherapy, use of simulators, chiropractic, diet;
- surgical – ligamentum, the transplantation of tissues, hyaluronic acid injections, etc
Minimally invasive operation practically does not lead to the development of side effects, so are given even in the outpatient setting. However, specialists warn that approximately a year after the introduction of hyaluronic acid and lipid of the tissues in the penis, part of which is reabsorbed. In this sense, the length and thickness of the penis decreases, and thus have to re-turn to a plastic surgeon.
Training apparatus for the lengthening of the penis
Men who use only natural methods of penis enlargement, make sure that to achieve the desired effect and only possible through lots of practice and training. As a general rule, combine the quiroprctica with the use of special simulators that literally stretch the tissues of the penis.
Among the most safe and effective, the simulators are:
- extender – an orthopedic device designed for the mechanical traction of the ligaments, the muscles and the corpora cavernosa of the penis;
- vacuum of the water pump – a medical device, whose work is based on the creation of a negative pressure around the penis; the reduction of the pressure leads to a powerful flow of blood to the tissues and, as a consequence, its further development;
- the weighting goods destined for the stretching of the tissues of the penis; its use stimulates the formation of new tissue structures in the corpora cavernosa;
- the jelq-the machine – tool manual "milking" the sexual organ of the that is applied with the aim of stretching of the corpora cavernosa and muscle tissues.
Important! The incorrect use of devices that can lead to a temporary decrease of the erection.
It should be understood that the natural penis enlargement is a long process, and sometimes quite unpleasant. Thanks to the training and the length of the phallus increases, but slowly. Forcing the specialists do not recommend, as well as on tension of the muscles and ligaments that may be the cause of injury and tearing of the tissues.
Self-massage – one of the most secure methods of correction of forms and sizes of the penis. Today, developed a number of effective methodologies, through which you can not only increase the size of the penis, but also to strengthen erections. Chiropractic improves trophic tissues, the acceleration of the processes of change and the re-establishment of the microcirculation of the blood in the penis. Regular application of manipulative therapy reduces the risk of developing prostate and erectile dysfunction in 3 times.
To increase the sexual organ without harm to the health, you can use the following massage technique:
- gymnastics kegel – training exercises pubic-coccygeal muscles (to discover lc-muscle, just in paris, trying to interrupt the act of urination; at this point you will feel the tension of the muscles, you have to train a periodic reduction and relaxation);
- jelqing – the technique of "milking" of a member, during which he must perform the movement of the fingers of a rating called the index and thumb (ok grip), from the base of the penis up to the head;
- clamping – extreme penis enlargement, whose essence is to tighten the superficial veins on the basis of sexual of the authority; during the massage the erectile tissues will reach the blood, however, due to a blockage of the vein outflow will be stopped; the most important regular classes allow you to stretch the erectile tissue, which subsequently will lead to an increase of the length and diameter of the penis.
With the correct execution of the exercises of increased penis size are difficult to surpass the original of the parameters of penis by 20-25%. But before you begin to self-massage, it is necessary to heat the tissue phallus and repair them with the normal circulation of blood. To do this, you can use hot compresses, a hot water bag with salt, water, hot, fat, etc
The fat graft
Lipofilling – surgical increase in the diameter of the penis through the introduction in the subcutaneous tissue of the adipose tissue. Minimally invasive procedure " refers to the number of less traumatic, so often performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. As a filler, used the lipids of the fabric, usually the back, buttocks, thighs, etc, Before the procedure biomaterial cleaned of impurities, after which it evenly distributed throughout the length of the shaft of the penis with the help of a special needle.
The injections are not recommended during the recurrence of sexually transmitted diseases and the inflammation of the urethrovesical channel.
During the intervencin using the lipid tissue of the patient, thanks to which it solves the problem of rejection of the implant. Lipocytes play a role of filler, whereby the plastic surgeon, increases the diameter of the penis and corrects your form, in case of need. In the growth of your penis is not going more than an hour, after which the surgeon re-closing by suture of the puncture site absorbable thread and put a band-aid in the place of the seam. Around 2-3 weeks after the lipofilling, the patient can return to normal sexual life.
The increase of member of the
Here you will find all the information about how to increase the penis. Describes the methods of penis enlargement at home or in a clinical setting, their pros and cons. I have tested it on all major devices and describe their impressions and projections. In the articles on the answers to 3 questions that are of interest to each person that is going to make a modification of your body:
- really if there is an increase of a member,
- what kind of results you can achieve
- what type of methodology to choose.
And a bit of general information about the enlargement of the penis: the working principle of different methodologies, the estimates, the range of growth and its limits.
A penis without surgery
Home remedies for sexual power of men of quick action
The treatment of the power of remedies: the most effective methods. Spice — a collection of utilities for the health of the men ,ginger drinks-aphrodisiac ,far East, and plants for the masculine strength ,ginseng ,analogues of ginseng — stimulant of sexual desire .It is recommended that a training to increase blood flow in the groin area. The power — the indicator of health and of the Russian language from a psychological state in men.
The average dimensions

Health statistics shows that the man has his work tool, and a length of 12 to 16 cm, that is to say, the most normal, nothing outstanding member of here will be the authority for the length of 14 cm and a diameter of 2.5-3 refer to the help of a penis can be good and satisfy a woman, and to conceive a child. However, many men it seems that your penis is still small, so that it can advise the increase of member of sodium bicarbonate.
A big penis is good for the elevation of self-esteem, as well as the indicated on the anal sex. If you decide for yourself, that the increase of one member, through the soda you is of vital importance, below you will find instructions on how to perform this process in detail.
We increased the member correctly
The increase of the penis sosa — the thing is not new, it was invented clearly is not that of yesterday. His father and grandfather, you probably knew about this secret, and the sodium bicarbonate has been and is in every home in the drawer of the kitchen table. Of course, normally be used not to enlarge the penis, and for the household chores: cleaning the dishes, cooking, etc
There are two common variants of the application of bicarbonate of sodium, intended for penis enlargement. You can try both, or the way that you like.
- Take a hot bath to relax the penis, even slightly to masturbate. Take a teaspoon of baking soda, to mix it with a teaspoon of oil or honey. Obtained the mass, it is necessary to apply onto the penis and massaged his five minutes. Then let of stain and massaging the sex organ, let the whipped cream is simply absorbed and precipitate out directly on the rise. Thoroughly rinse all soda cream with the member and prepare the penis begins to grow. Also, this way, it helps to prolong the time of copulation in 10-15 minutes.
- If you don't it is very appropriate for the scheme, according to which it is necessary to rub the penis cream soda, or, perhaps, not have conditions, you can always do it another way. The second method is more easy to use than the first, and also really increases the cock. Take bicarbonate of soda — a tablespoonful in a glass of water. Must dissolve completely in the water. In the information received in the fluid should lower the manhood in 10 minutes, but not more, and you can see immediately, as the baking soda affects the size of the penis. This is the simplest method and least expensive in time.
Whichever way you choose, do not forget that the baking soda gives only a temporary effect. We recommend using washing soda for an hour or two before the sexual act, and then the penis bulging and elongated, like you and your lady. With the help of soda you can achieve an increase in the average diameter of 1 cm, the length of your body will grow in a 1-2 see pay Particular attention to the manipulation of the head of the penis: in large part it depends, in the measure that changes the value of the penis. You can check both of the fashion, since in reality tried and tested for decades. Look, what method is best for him, and make sure that it is true. Now you know how you can use baking soda to increase the penis.
Who can't use the soda?
It is better to renounce to the use of this method, to the following persons:
- Diabetics. Soda, even in small quantities, is dangerous affects the blood sugar.
- For people with prostate problems and prostatitis, here and so it seems that everything is clear.
- Suffering from urethritis and cystitis. Sodium bicarbonate is a potent irritant that please don't exactly that will.
- For those who have a yeast infection or allergic, and contact dermatitis. Canker sores generally quite problematic, the disease, and the baking soda, only worsen the situation.
There are numerous internet customers, dedicated to this topic in general and specifically to the question of who is the better soda not use. Between them, attracts the attention of a view, located in the well-known physician of the site and the so-called "Smear-and-see". There are also several tips that being said, who uses sodium bicarbonate in a member, and that, precisely, with the authority that happens.
The comments of many you have that concentrates on the roller, in which the man directly to the camera smeared on his cock, which is in an excited state, normal drinking bicarbonate of sodium, and your body genital increases in the eyes. On the contrary, it uses the videomontaje, because any soda that effect the increase of cannot reach. Member actually at some point it's going to grow, if to anoint his soda, but not in the 5 cm or more.
Side effects
Be careful and don't abuse this way, in any case! Frequent reception of soda will lead to unpleasant consequences, and, probably, will be very lousy.
Even despite the damages, many of the men who abuse in this way. This can lead to the following negative phenomena:

- appear the sores and the crack that is sore;
- you can develop an allergic reaction;
- this does not preclude the burning and itching;
- abuse can cause even serious illnesses such as cancer of the penis.
Doctors recommend the use of the data in a way not more than once in six months, in exceptional cases, once every four months. Many men literally crazy in the matter of how to enlarge the penis, make soda poultice more frequently. What is the abuse makes them stable patients urologist, and because of it, are forced to spend money on expensive treatments.
Summarizing the above
Every man for himself resolves the matter, agree in their dimensions of your penis or not, as well as if there is a need to take any measures to enlarge the penis. Someone before the saws of the funds for the erection and increase the size, someone is considering the possibility of starting meds now, but for someone who does not want to spend money on expensive medications and you prefer the old recipe of baking soda, which, in addition, can do damage. Now you know how to enlarge the member, and what there is to do. Good luck and success in the world of sex!
We make conclusions
You have been a misfire? Judging by what you're reading this article - that the victory of his side. And, of course, you don't know from hearsay, that the violation of the power is:
Low self-esteem. Women recall every one of their failure, they tell their friends and their friends. The disease of the prostate. The development of depression, which negatively affects your health. It is worth starting to do something.